Next Steps


I want to make a difference,
but I don’t want to do it alone!

We were created to do life in community! When marketplace multipliers gather, they can “motivate one another to acts of love and good works”, (Hebrews 10:24) They learn together, share their stories, raise their questions and celebrate as GodWorx in and through them!

Step 1: Create a Team of Marketplace Multipliers

* Make A List of mentors, church leaders, community leaders, neighbors, family, colleagues to invite.
* Pray over the list of names.
* Partner with someone who can help you lead.
* Plan how your meetings will go, (i.e. location, frequency, duration, logistics, content, etc.).
* Schedule your meetings.
* Contact the people on your list, explain the purpose of the meeting and invite them to attend.


Step 2: Create an Impactful Meeting

Gatherings of marketplace multipliers that are most effective include elements of each of the following…


Start with an opening prayer. Include 3-5 minute story of a team member’s success or breakthrough, or a prepared talk from a familiar guest. Incorporate “hot-seat prayer” when a team member shares a struggle or request. Right then, have the person sit in a chair in the middle of the room so the team can pray over them as a group.


Read a book together, walking through one chapter a month. Watch a video that explores a subject raised at a previous meeting. Distribute handouts that provide more detail for team members to digest between meetings.


Have team members share where they work and how they integrate their faith to influence others for Christ. Break into smaller groups for times of deeper discussion and prayer. Groups of 2-5 encourage greater participation. 


Ask everyone present to commit to some action by the next meeting so that team members know the meetings are action-oriented and committed to results. Encourage team members to begin their own teams of marketplace multipliers in their workplace, and invite others to join them at your meeting as well.

Step 3: Resource Your Team

Is God stirring your heart for ministry beyond the walls of the physical church? Our friends at Mobilize The Church invite you to Live Sent!
In this free 5-session course, you will learn how to discover your calling and effectively discern the voice of God in your life and ministry.